Would a battery system work with my current inverter?

A picture of a solar battery system in a garage.

Our customers often ask us if their battery system will be compatible with their current inverter at home.

A question I hear time and time again is ‘Would a battery system work with my current inverter?’

The answer is yes. Any solar battery system that you’re thinking of purchasing — including all of the battery systems that we sell — will work alongside any current PV inverter. 

The reason for this is because, if you choose to install a solar battery system in your home with or next to your current PV system — then you’ll need to install another inverter alongside your current inverter to service those batteries. 

A common question, but a mistaken one.

Although this is a question I hear about all the time, it kind of doesn’t make sense really. I imagine this is down to misinformation, or the lack of a clear answer on the Internet. There is, unfortunately, a lot of incorrect information to do with solar battery systems online.

So when customers write to me saying things like “I have an inverter for my solar panels, what batteries do I need to work alongside it?” the answer is — you just need to buy a battery system. That’s it!

If you’re already got a PV system in your house and no battery system, the PV system will consist of solar panels and an inverter for the solar panels. That is its own standalone system. A solar battery storage system is also its own standalone system with its own inverter that can be connected to your PV system.


Would a battery system work with my current inverter?

I hope that has cleared up this question for you. If you have any further questions about solar battery systems, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Lr-Renewables. 

In the meantime, why not check out our battery systems and solar hybrid systems available on our website today. We offer FREE installations across England and Wales (no matter how difficult the job is).

About the Author — Luke Green

Director & Operations Manager

Luke has almost a decade of experience in the renewable energy industry. He started out as an approved installer of battery systems and solar panels, working for a number of different companies. Today, he oversees the sale of several key products and installations as director of Lr-Renewables.

Luke is also a qualified electrician. In his spare time he enjoys playing rugby, watching football, and spending time with his family. 

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